Saturday, January 7, 2012

Chuck E. Cheese

We ask Luke what he wanted to do for his birthday, and he emphatically replied "CHUCK E. CHEESE!!!" Troy and I looked at each other as if he had just requested a kidney from each of us, but we got a babysitter to look after Cole, and off we went. Just Luke and Troy and I, something very special for the Lukester. I must say, he had a blast. I won't comment on how much fun {or lack there of} Troy and I had... Here is Luke riding Noah's ark.

Okay, so I sort of had fun. And beat Luke. Yes, I was keeping score.
Then Luke told me he could play by himself. Hmph.
And Dad appears to be having fun too...
Then, $40 later we were out of tokens, and overstimulated, so we left, and Luke wanted to know when he could come back. I replied that I thought that would be something very fun to do... with his grandparents. Either set. And I know you are reading this... so anytime guys :)

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