Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Sunday at the Park

We went to breakfast at Esperanza's and then took Luke to the park. It was a great morning, and totally wore Luke out.

Sunday Family Funday.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!
Love, Luke

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Free at Last!

Finally, we got some decent weather and were able to go outside and play! Luke enjoyed being able to just run around.

Our Sunday Funday at home.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


So every once in awhile I like to do something nice for someone else {don't go telling people though, I have a reputation to uphold}. While at a board meeting awhile back, a guy who is in the propane business, but who also use to be in my dad's Army Reserve unit, made a comment that he was growing his hair out for Locks of Love. I really admire Wes for doing that. Being a military guy and all, he is really not the "long hair" type of guy. But his mom had breast cancer, and he wanted to do it for her {he also painted all his bob tails the appropriate shade of pink}. I thought hmmm... I already have really long hair, so why not grow it out a couple more inches, {as I look truly terrible with really really short hair} and donate it to a good cause. So...
I chopped it all off.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Cookie Monster

Cause is there anything better on a snow day than warm chocolate chip cookies and cold milk?

I think not.

Cabin Fever

So, it had been less than 24 hours from returning from work when cabin fever struck. I have heard it is easier to shake than Beiber Fever, thank goodness. I, being the prego foodie I am, needed, well, food. And I wanted Which Wich. Troy advised me not to get out, but I was having none of that. Then I walked outside and thought dang, this is why my mom always tells me to clean out the garage and park the dang cars in it!
So I called in the troops, or the troop, T-roy.

He was a big help, as he was also hungry and all we had to eat was frozen pizza, frozen corn, and frozen pasta and pasta sauce. None of which sounded good, but I did thaw out the sauce {homemade I might add} for dinner.

I won't say what Troy said when he saw this picture. It involved me not following his instructions to be very careful while driving {I guess that means not taking pictures?}

I panicked when I passed Sonic only to discover it was closed.

But then I saw this glorious sign! Ahhhh! Thank you Which Wich for braving the weather, and feeding me a tasty sandwich.

Snow Week 2011

It all began early Tuesday, in the wee hours of the morning. We woke up to sheets of ice, and a balmy 19 degrees. All schools were cancelled, daycare included, and we had a great day of watching Scooby Doo and lounging around doing, well, nothing really. I didn't think the ice warranted any pictures, and Luke has a cold {big surprise} so we pretty much stayed in and didn't leave the house {except when I decided we needed pizza, and there was a two hour wait for delivery, so I ventured out}. Wednesday, more of the same, but since I sell propane for a living, it kind of warrants going to work. So I slipped and slid to work, while the boys stayed at home for another day of Scooby Doo. Thursday was a repeat of Wednesday, and then when we woke up Friday, it was to this... a real live Winter Wonderland!

The "barn" ahem, shed, out back....

ooh, pretty trees!

I, for one, was all about getting dressed up to enjoy the snow! Zoe was right there with me!

Such a poser...

Luke on the other hand, was far less enthusiastic...

Me: Troy, take a picture of us, take a picture of us!
Troy: Um, can you actually look at the camera and smile?
Me: It's too bright! {someday I will learn when you plan to take pictures certain things are necessary, these things are called a brush, make-up, and a look in the mirror}.

Here is T-roy throwing a snowball at me. He did not miss.

This was the cutest picture of Luke, and the worst of me. Guess who got cropped out?

Zoe, the snow wonder dog!

Luke wondering when we can go inside, and thinking, why did I get a crazy mom?

One more pic! Yes, I ran inside and grabbed sunglasses, but no lipstick... and no brush.

Our cutie patootie checking everything out.

Hope you all had the week of as well, and are enjoying
Snow Week 2011!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rocket Man

I know every mom is partial to their kid. I am no different. Sure, I see other adorable children, and think they are just precious, but there is something about your own that just makes you swell with pride. Especially when they look so sweet and innocent, and are well, asleep.

Your mommy and daddy love you so much little rocket man!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Scooby Doo Kind of Snow Day

Because what else is there to do when it's really just ice out, and you have a cold? Watch Scooby Doo in mom and dad's bed, duh!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pickles and Ice Cream

You know what that means?!
Baby Matthews #2, due August 25, 2011