Sunday, May 29, 2011

It's Good to be King

We went over to grandma and grandpa's house for a visit, and Luke, as usual, gets the royal treatment. The second he got upset, he got a treat, which he thoroughly enjoyed. We have quite the little rascal on our hands. {And yes, I am aware that rewards for bad behavior set a horrible precedence, but he was at grandma and grandpa's, so my hands were tied}.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Earning your keep

So that's how it is at their house...
yes, yes it is.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Nite Nite

Every night before bed, we have to say nite nite to Scooby, and tuck him in.
I love this kid.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cork Wedge Greatness

I love my new shoes so much, I had to get a shot of my feet before all I can wear is flip flops...
which at the rate I'm going, is going to be soon.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Out with the Old

I have hated these doors since we moved in the house. They were even worse when we moved in, they were brown. Eeeew. Well, a mere 7 years later, and we are finally getting rid of the things.
So out with the old...
and in with the new!
Sure, they need to be painted, and have fixtures put on, but I like them 100% better than the old ones. {And I couldn't get Luke to move, that's why you see the top of his cute little head in the bottom right of the shot}.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Breakfast Buddies

Breakfast is much more fun when you share it with your friend.

Waffles with Scooby, life is good.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

I told Troy to tell Luke I did not want flowers for Mother's Day, that I wanted a new pair of shoes instead. I will have to take a picture of my new super fabulous cork wedges that I received, {Troy assured me flowers would have been much cheaper} oh well! I still got these beauties from my mom, dad, and Luke.
I was really wanting a good picture of Luke and I, but this was the best I could do.
to all the mothers and grandmothers,
happy mother's day!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Scooby Doo and Choo Choo

This morning Luke decided that his pal Scooby needed to eat breakfast. After determining that Scooby would eat waffles, Luke decided Scooby also wanted to play choo choo with him. It was pretty cute watching him and his friend play. Then all of the sudden Scooby must have done something because Luke said, "NO NO SCOOBY, YOU ALL DONE!"
an after lunch special treat, ice cream.
Luke has been pretty funny, and pretty vocal lately. After going back to the ENT {ear, nose and throat specialist}, and a month of ear drops later, the Dr. said that Luke's ears were all cleared up, and that he should be hearing much better. I must say, I think he is. He talks all the time now! There is a lot that is still just jibberish. Luke will point at Troy and I, and we sware he is cursing us in another language. He will go on and on and, then he usually follows up by saying, Mama, Dada, Zoe, and crosses his arms as if we are in BIG trouble {and yet Leah must be on his good side, as she is never mentioned}. It's so fun watching you learn new things daily Luke, you are such a funny little guy! I also love that most days when he wakes up he starts his day saying he is happy, and then asking how Troy and I are. One thing he seems to have no idea about? The baby due to arrive in just a few short months. We always point to my {ever expanding} stomach, and say, Luke, there is a baby in there! To which he laughs his head off... boy is he in for a big surprise at the end of August... until then, we are enjoying the last few months of Luke being an only child.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Luke and Troy

my favorite guys!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Horsing Around

Luke is all boy, and these days he loves wrestling with his Dad! {Since right now it is a little hard for me to be a horse} I tell Luke he has to wait until his dad gets home. Luke will sometimes greet Troy by saying, "Hi dad, you horse, neigh!"
and dad always complies, even before he has a chance to change out of work clothes.
I love watching my two boys have so much fun!
{Note jealous dog lurking in the background}