Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanksgiving Program

Friday was Luke's very first program! The Thanksgiving day program at his school. He had so much fun, until he saw us... thank goodness that was at the end. He was so darn cute, and made his mama and dada very proud. We love you so much Luke!
Here is Luke with his classmate Olivia.
Singing and very happy is his teacher Miss Tina's lap.
the turkey's got to sing and dance!
And the big finale! This is when we stood up to take pictures, and someone saw us... can you spot him with Miss Tina? They had me come up to the front and hold him for the rest of the show, which is why the pictures stopped here. Dad was running the video camera the whole time. Will have to post that soon! Happy almost Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for!

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