Monday, October 17, 2011

{two} Months

cole hudson matthews
{happy two months}

You are the chunkiest cutest little gigantic thing ever! You are two months old, and you wear a size 2 diaper and 3-6 month and 6 month clothes {although you are outgrowing your 6 month wardrobe already}! You have a strong neck, and love to look around at everything and you are a talker! You coo and goo when anyone talks to you, it's so sweet, and I love it! You can definitely throw down a bottle, or 7 in a row, and people always say "that is the most alert baby I have ever seen" {in addition to how adorable you are} and yes, I must say, I have never heard of another newborn who stays awake for 12 to 15 hours at a time... this has to change right? I mean... right?! We don't go to the dr. until monday, so I don't know your stats quite yet, but we {extremely affectionately} call you piggy, hass, and tubba wubba. I mean, you are a big guy! But so sweet! If only you slept... come on sweet guy, give your parents a break! I'm begging you!

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