Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sweet Skeleton

This one couldn't run away from me!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Block Party

It was our second year at the annual block party. We were 13 minutes late, which frankly, with a 10 week old, a 2 and a half year old that we literally had to bribe to wear his costume, and the fact that the street was blocked off and we had to park blocks a way and walk, I thought we did great... not great enough not to miss the group pictures... but we did start trick-or-treating right away. Luke had a great time collecting candy, but as I said in my previous post, this kid did not want to have his picture made today. In this picture you see the hand coming up to stop me...
getaway mamarazzi!

don't make me go all Justin Timberlake on you!

stealthy mom snapped this one while he was distracted by the thoughts of getting candy. We trick-or-treated into the night!

here is our friend Addie

and cute kitty Wyatt Claire

after a sugar high it was time to go home.

Happy Halloween y'all!

The Pumpkin Patch, 2011

We finally made it to the pumpkin patch this year! Our friends Meagan, Ramsey, Mallory and baby brother Gatlin came to visit from Oklahoma and we jumped at the chance to get to see them at the pumpkin patch! Luke is going through a phase where he does not want to get his picture made... so he was refusing to look at the camera, but here he is picking out a pumpkin...
I really wish I knew how to make collages... I need to find a program... hmmm... anyone have any suggestions? Anyway, here is Meagan and her sweet baby boy Gatlin! He is so precious I could totally eat him up!

Here is Gatlin meeting Cole, and incidentally the only picture I happen to snap of him... and you can't really see him, but I sware he is in there.

And here they are... Luke and Mallory... it was so cute watching them run around together. When Mallory saw Luke it was the cutest thing, she said, "Hey! What are you doing here?!"

So, neither one of them were really interested in the camera at all...

they loved playing in the old truck,

awww... 1st date?

lets face it, they'd much rather just chase each other all day.

and go down slides...

then we found out there were animals there too! Bunnies,


even a rooster!

Luke actually looked at the camera!

and then it was back to ignoring me...

why is he smiling? Because I just ask him not to throw the pumpkin... that he just threw...

Meagan did manage to get a shot of us together, thanks Meagan, {not pictured, Cole. Meagan, and Ramsey, thank you for looking after my children for me}.

It was great to see our friends, and a great trip to the ol' pumpkin patch!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Tubba Wubba

this sweet guy is

14.5 lbs
95th percentile
24 inches
80th percentile

and 100 percent cute

Monday, October 17, 2011

{two} Months

cole hudson matthews
{happy two months}

You are the chunkiest cutest little gigantic thing ever! You are two months old, and you wear a size 2 diaper and 3-6 month and 6 month clothes {although you are outgrowing your 6 month wardrobe already}! You have a strong neck, and love to look around at everything and you are a talker! You coo and goo when anyone talks to you, it's so sweet, and I love it! You can definitely throw down a bottle, or 7 in a row, and people always say "that is the most alert baby I have ever seen" {in addition to how adorable you are} and yes, I must say, I have never heard of another newborn who stays awake for 12 to 15 hours at a time... this has to change right? I mean... right?! We don't go to the dr. until monday, so I don't know your stats quite yet, but we {extremely affectionately} call you piggy, hass, and tubba wubba. I mean, you are a big guy! But so sweet! If only you slept... come on sweet guy, give your parents a break! I'm begging you!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Cutest Sad Face Ever

It was actually even more cute than this, he had his lip out in the most perfect of pouts, but I couldn't get to the camera in time...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Watching the Ranger Playoffs

Okay, so actually Luke was playing Angry Birds, his new favorite past time. I love these guys.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Nothing Special...

Just a couple of pictures of the boys. You see Luke eating ice cream a lot as this is one of the only times he sits still for me... Boys, I love them!