Has it really been seven years already? Seven years since we said "I do" in that little Bellagio wedding chapel surrounded by 100 of our closest friends and family? Yes, yes it has! Happy Anniversary T-roy! I love you so much and can't wait to see what the next many many years hold!
So we get to the airport, and I notice everyone has these paper things in their hands... what are they called? Oh, tickets. DANG IT. I realized I had left ours tacked to the fridge. Hmph. So we call Troy's dad, who had just dropped us off at the airport, to come pick us up. Upon returning to our house to pick them up, Leah, our cat, got out, and we had to go back to the airport. I cried the entire way there. {Our good friend Chris found Leah, and let her back inside, thanks Chris!} So, we get to the hotel, only to be told we had no reservation. I pulled out our confirmation codes {shockingly, I had those} and explained that we were getting married there, and we definitely had reservations. They look and look. Finally, they tell us to go ahead and take a limo to go get our marriage license and they will "work on it."
We go get said license and joke about Britney Spears being there a few days before us. We get our license and get back to the hotel, and alas, they have found our room... we get there only to discover they checked us into the wrong type of room. We call down to get the room changed, and finally, it all gets worked out and we are on our way to our new and improved room. Minus the marriage license. I call immediately and say I left it on the desk. It is no where to be found. True Story. All of our friends {who arrived hours before we did on the CORRECT flight} are drunk, and having a great time. I am crying again. We go back for license #2, and the lady jokes about us just being there. $120, and 2 license later, we are finally ready to be wed. The rest of the wedding went pretty smoothly... Sure, I was pretty much a wreck the entire day just waiting for something else to happen, and I didn't have to wait too long. As we are getting married, Troy breaks out into the worst sweat ever {he claims it was the lights, that he was NOT nervous, I will say it was very hot in there...} I take my handkerchief, and wipe him down. Everyone laughs. My mom walks down the aisle as we are exiting and breaks the heel of her shoe. We make it to the reception, and I have highlighted a list, what to play, what not to play... well, naturally, the DJ gets them confused, and right after my dad and I dance says, "And here is a special request from the bride!!!" DMX's "Up in herre" blares. I am not going to repost the lyrics here, but let's just say what he wants done to him by a cheerleader is not wedding reception appropriate. I promptly go to the bar and take 2 shots, and enjoyed dancing the rest of the night to songs like "Baby got back." Everyone claims it's "the best wedding ever."
My point is, it does not surprise me that T-roy and I missed our movie tonight, in fact, it's pretty much just perfect. We came home, played with Lukie, and talked about how we couldn't be more perfect for each other.
T-roy, I love you! Happy Anniversary!!!
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