I was hoping to get a little more festive of a pic, but Luke and I both had long days, so this will have to do! He has been such a big boy lately, that is why he is being rewarded with his sonic apple slush. His teacher at school told me he stays dry all day, and always goes potty in the big boy potty. He even stands like a big boy! He is such a little man! This morning when I dropped him off, Miss Tina wanted to show me what he could, um, do... so we went to the bathroom, and I was cracking up! He had his sunglasses on upside down {new trend?} and grabs the back of the toilet {they are kid size} stands there with his shades on, and does what he needs to do. I was laughing so hard, and clapping and saying, go Luke, you are such a big boy. Then the kid actually pulled down his shades like, uh, duh mom. The problem? When we gets home, and he wants to potty, he wants to stand, and we do not have a kid size toilet... we have a little potty he can sit down on, but not stand. You can see where this is going... I am going to be cleaning the bathroom quite frequently!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Love, Luke
1 comment:
we had green apple slushes in honor of Ol" St. Pat today too! I wish I could say it was in celebration of progress in the potty department, but Mallory is NOT interested. Bummer.
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