Friday, September 23, 2011

Bath Time Piggy

Look familiar? Here is the original bath time piggy. You can't tell they are related or anything...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Painting with dad is so much fun!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

{one} Month

happy {one month} cole hudson
Wow. Time flies. I mean, you get your first hint of this in high school and college... when you graduate you think, wasn't it just yesterday I was a freshman? After college you get into the "real world" and time really starts moving quickly. You have kids, and you think, good lord, it seems like you were just born yesterday... then you have another kid... you get the point, if you are reading this, more than likely you know just what I'm talking about.

Cole Hudson, you sure are a charming little guy. You have blond hair, completely different from your brother. And you have hair... quite a bit of it! Also very different from your brother, but I'll stop comparing you two now! Let's face it, you don't sleep very well, and for most of the night you can be down right cranky and fussy! It doesn't matter, you are so sweet the rest of the time it totally makes up for it. I just stare at you and know this time will go quickly. You weigh 11.1 lbs. and are 22 1/4 inches. You are already out of all newborn clothes. You wear 3 month and 3-6 month clothing.

You are a complete and total treasure, and make our family whole. We love you very much!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Announcement Preview

I can't believe how lucky I am to have such a talented friend... Thank you Haley! And not only is she talented, but she will even ask me if she can take pictures. I mean really? How lucky can one be? Here is precious Cole. And here is the monkey hat that I couldn't get a good shot of him in, and Haley got about 100 cute ones. These are some of my favorites.

Will one of these be the announcement? Stay tuned!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hats and Snugglers

I was trying to get a picture of my littlest man in the sock monkey hat I ordered from him... Let's just say he did not feel like having his picture taken.
Determined to try on all his cute new things, I put him in the snuggle suit that my mom's good friend knitted. Yeah, she made that. She's good.
She also made this bunny lovie. Is it not the cutest thing ever? I know!
And Cole is pretty cute too...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Day in the Life

I wish I had this child's energy.

The Ham

Who thinks he's pretty funny?

this guy.

Monday, September 5, 2011

It's Coming Along...

The renovation is finally almost over... Here is the hallway that used to be the door to the backyard.
Here is the new playroom... Yes we have already moved Luke's toys in. He loves his playroom!
the first door on the left is my little craft area, and the second is a half bath.
here is the utility room.
and the master
Master bath...
Sinks and backsplash
and the exercise room
almost finished on the inside and will start working on cleaning up the outside!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day Weekend 2011

Every Labor Day the Matthews' family gets together to celebrate, and this year was no exception. Things have definitely changed though... just a few short years ago it was all adults, this year, we added Jackson and Cole to the mix, and I cannot tell you how much fun Luke and Morgan had together... here, take a look for yourself!
They had so much fun with the water hose in the pool...
fun watching cartoon's,
and fun eating together. Watching these two chase each other around was pretty priceless too. It's going to be great watching them grow up together.
Here is Beth and newcomer Jackson.
and baby Cole makes his first family function appearance.
Getting some quality grandma time.
We had so much fun, and cannot wait until next year!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Funny Guy

This morning Cole had the giggles. I told Troy to grab the camera {phone} and quickly snap some pics. I love this one. Sure, it's not the best quality, but it sure is cute. Side note, if you are thinking, hmmm... I wonder why there are no pictures of the boys together... Well, we are working on it. I was alone and tried to take pictures, and let's just say it didn't go well. Luke does not understand "gentle hands" just yet. I haven't worked up to trying again, but one day...