Wednesday, August 31, 2011


The Leschber's came over and brought us dinner! Fuzzy's Tacos, and it was delish! I think the Grilled Chicken Big Salad is a new fav of mine. Thank you so much Leschber family, you guys are the best!
And, it just so happens that today Cole is two weeks old!
{I just didn't happen to capture a better picture...}

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Sweet Little Boy

You are cracking mommy and daddy up these days! You have quite the imagination, and with your ever improving speech, you are much more able to communicate these days. You still LOVE pillow forts and hiding, but now you are into playing dinosaurs, karate chopping everything, and you love to "go look for bigfoot" and other monsters that I guess are lurking around our house. You run up and down the halls and usually end up hiding in mommy and daddy's closet, where the monsters can't get us. Keep up the good work little guy!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wise Guy

The other day Luke came in the room and said, "Mommy, where are my glasses?" I thought he was talking about his sunglasses, and I said, "I'm not sure Luke, do you know?" "Yeah," he replied and walked in the other room. This is what he looked like when he walked back in.
Then he proceeded to tell me "I can't see anything without my glasses!"
And went on to draw mommy a picture. This little guy cracks me up!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Going Home

Headed home from the hospital... Cole seems to have such a sweet demeanor. He loves to be snuggled, hugged and kissed, and fed. We couldn't be happier with our new little man!

First Picture as a Family of Four

The new Matthews family
Troy, Luke, Alexis, and Cole

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Meeting the Family

We cannot get enough of this little guy!

Cole Hudson Matthews

Arrived on August 17, 2011
at 2:11 p.m.
7.9 lbs
20 inches

He is sweet, cuddly, and absolutely perfect!
{not that I am biased or anything...}

The Morning Of...

Getting ready to head to the hospital!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Final Days...

Of being an only child for Luke, are upon us!

He had a good run.
We'll keep you posted on the new addition!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dream a Little Dream, or Two..

If only he had taken a longer nap then the ride home from the Birthday party... Oh Luke, it's just impossible to believe that in a few short weeks, you will be a big brother! We love you so much, and can't wait to see what kind of big brother you are.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Goofing Off

Luke and Alyssa saying cheese!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Playtime with G&G

Before bringing Luke back home, Grandma and Grandpa decided to take Luke to the new Aquarium that just opened in Grapevine. After seeing the line wrapped around the block, and it being an oh so cool 108 degrees, they decided to take Luke to the mall instead. I think he had a great time!

Thanks for keeping Luke this weekend, and Happy almost birthday Grandpa!

{It's tomorrow}