I have been a total slacker lately when it comes to taking pictures. There, I said it, I admit it, and take full responsibility. I've just been too tired to think of it really. I've been trying really hard this pregnancy not to complain, and will continue to due so, but I'm pretty tired, and I get shooting pains quite frequently {the Dr. ask me if it feels like I am being stabbed, to which I replied YES! Then she ask me if they lasted for a couple of minutes at a time. Again my reply was YES! Oh, those are your ligaments snapping. Apparently being, ahem, older and not having done quite enough sit up's in between pregnancy's, it's my weak stomach muscles that are to blame. Ugh, one more person suggesting I go to the gym}, anyway, maybe it's me being tired, or having shooting pains along with Braxton Hick's contractions, or maybe it's just a super active 2 year old, or shear laziness, but I haven't picked up a camera much lately. If it weren't for Alyssa sending me pictures from her phone, I don't think I would have had any blog post in June. Alas, I tell you all that, because I seem to have skipped some steps in the remodel process... but here is where we are NOW! They have completed all the brick on the outside...
Here is T-roy standing outside our new bedroom.
Completed brick outside the exercise room...
the exterior paint color choices... I'm having the worst time trying to decide...
I decided to paint the playroom blue, but which shade of blue?
T-roy helping with the paint choices... We went with the one above, not that you can really see what it looks like, but I like it! More pictures to take... they have painted the entire interior as of today, and it looks great! Now... apparently up next are electrical, flooring, counter tops, and plumbing. They are projecting to be finished by the 1st of August, fingers crossed.