Monday, August 30, 2010

Beading Cheerios

Is apparently very serious business...
Meagan was working with Luke and Mallory on the letter of the day, "O" and had them beading "O's", which Luke took very seriously as you can see...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Backyard Fun

We had a great day today. We went to the park, we went to the pool, and then we just played in the back yard. Here are a couple of pics. Luke was really enjoying swinging! {Even if his favorite part is trying to buckle and unbuckle himself in}

Whoo hoo!

Splish Splash at the pool!

We went to the pool today and Luke had a blast!

What's this?

Pure excitement!

and entertainment!

This little guy definitely loves the water

Don't you just love summer?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Hipstamatic Prints

One of Troy's favorite apps on the iphone is Hipstamatic. It allows you to take old school looking pictures. Here is one of Luke just hanging out being one of the guys!

Monday, August 23, 2010

1st day of School... Luke is a Turtle!

Too cool for school...

Again, I must apologize for no real camera {iphone saves the day again! What did I do before that thing? I know I was lost a lot more... I digress}... I am {really} going to put batteries on the grocery list. Here are a couple I snapped of Luke and Dad before the first day of school! Luke loves his shades. Upon arriving at school we found out his teachers are going to be Miss Tina and Miss Milley. Miss Milley was Luke's teacher this summer and he absolutely loves her! I am so excited he will be a little turtle in her class. Looking forward to a great year!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Nineteen Months

Our camera is lacking something pretty simple... batteries. But for some reason we cannot remember to pick them up at the store... so this month has been kind of rough for pictures... Here is one of Luke on the big 1-9 months...

So much is happening this month! Luke is really starting to talk! He says "momma" "dada" "dawg" "leelee" {for our cat leah} "nite nite" "hi" "bye" "see ya" "cah"{is still cookie, but his new favorite is...} "shu" {when he first wakes up every morning he wants his baseball hat on backwards, and his shoes, which he starts asking for when you go in his room, it's too cute!} he knows that a lion says "rah" which is pretty stinking cute as well {I know, I know, I think everything is cute right now. I'm a mom okay?!}. We are having a lot of fun with our little man these days. He seems to be saying new things every day and is so excited to learn new words. He also understands what we ask, which is so nice to be able to communicate! He can definitely tell you what he doesn't want to do {or eat}, and will say "yeah" and clap when you get it right. He still loves painting and drawing, and climbing on anything not moving, and gardening, and cleaning {jackpot!!!}. Oh Lukie, we love you so much! Happy 1-9 little guy!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Playing in Photoshop... and Inspiration

My friend Meagan has inspired me to start piddling with photoshop. Something I have had for years and had all but given up on. Hopefully my skills will improve... and Haley, thanks for the awesome pictures! You are such a natural. Thanks for the inspiration girls! You two could both give Martha a run for her money!

So Meagan and Haley have inspired me by their talent. And maybe I will try just one crafty project myself... I think I have found the perfect one to try. Since Luke is now in school, and I need to start sewing labels in everything, I think I will give this a try. Check out this crafty little post at a very red kitchen. I will post pics when I have completed this task {Hopefully before Christmas...}