You are such a big and (most of the time) sweet boy!
You have had so many first this month, including first rash, and first ear ache, which made it hard for mommy to get good pictures this month, but here is one Miss Meagan got, rash, drool and all! Dad went to the Dr. with you because you were sick, and they ended up doing your "well" visit too. Dad didn't write the stats down, so I will get those and post them at your 15 month. Right now you wear a size 5 shoe, size 5 diaper, and are moving on up to 18-24 month clothes! The Dr. said you should be pointing, waving, and/or clapping, and I'm pretty sure you had done the former once, but after being 1 for two weeks, you started doing all three. Now, you clap all the time, and you love to give yourself a hand! You took your first step January 22nd, and will say "all done" after you finish a meal. You love to babble, but don't "talk" just yet. You still hate to hear the word no, and will have quite the meltdown when you do. You are fascinated with all things that open and close, especially doors. You love to push buttons, (and I'm not talking about mommy and daddy's) and know just how to turn the TV off and on, as well as all the lights in the house. You also love books, playing peek-a-boo, dancing, stacking anything you can find, especially your cups, and you insist on feeding yourself. We let you use your spoon, but you just hold it in one hand and pick things off it with the other. You have also started to really like fruit, especially peaches and pears, you can't get enough of them, as well as cheese and bread. You also eat grilled chicken, chicken nuggets, yogurt, you go back and forth on how you feel about pasta, and you still love Mexican food, which doesn't surprise mom or dad. Veggies have taken a back seat, but we still sneak them in. Just like when mommy was a baby, you love frozen peas. You seem to be right handed, much to Daddy's dismay. You love Leah and Zoe, and wish they would play with you more, but right now are fine chasing them around the house. You have started climbing on everything, and hate it when you can't make it up on the couch. You love to play with the play house you have (it has a door, need I say more?) and the fort queenie and boompa got you. We love you so much Luke, and cannot wait to see what the next year brings!